My cup was full - Amanda

I was honored to host Amanda Coker, owner of Dash Photography and Reviv Retreats on the show.

In our chat, we discuss:

  1. Balancing life & family and ask why women are held to a different standard than men
  2. The Barbie Movie
  3. Amanda’s wellness journey and what led her to create a space for women to rest and recharge

Ladies, BOOK a retreat @revivretreats and support the work she is doing and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF.

And I’m going to continue to ask…please listen, like, subscribe and share.  Any one of these actions can lead people that need to know they’re not alone to hear these conversations.

And I can’t thank you enough for the support so far.  ✌🏻

#breakthestigma #wellness #anxiety #depression #hope #chasethepeace